[Salon] Ghosts of the Gaza Genocide - by Greg Maybury


Ghosts of the Gaza Genocide

Above and Beyond Good and Evil

‘Be careful...watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees...’ — Jesus Christ, “King of the Jews”, giving his disciples a heads up of sorts. (Mark 8:15)

According to the strangest beliefs of Jewish nationalism, the Jew is a superman! Jewry is a super-nation. The Jew is at liberty to act as he pleases against other races. This is the teaching of [the] Torah and Talmud. The Jew's standing is "beyond good and evil".’Louis Marschalko, Hungarian writer, poet, The World Conquerers and Real War Criminals, 1958.

Dear Friends and Subscribers,

In undertaking research for the next instalment in my series on Zionism—which will include now by necessity a deep dive into recent and unfolding events in Israel and Palestine—I came across the above quote from a book by an Hungarian author previously unknown to me. It seemed apposite to what’s taking place now. (See below for links to these articles)*

Like many I expect, the events of the past two weeks or so in Palestine have caused me much distress and anguish. They continue to do so as I write this, and it seems the nightmare is only going to become even more horrendous.

At the outset, the Hamas attacks were themselves deplorable, and yes horrendous in themselves. They are to be rightly condemned. That’s a given for any right thinking human who values the lives of people, regardless of race, ethnicity, political or religious beliefs.

But the actions by the Hamas group pale into comparison given Israel’s 75+ year history of mass murder, terrorism, ethnic cleansing, genocide, dispossession, torture, repression, and wanton, bloody violence visited upon the original inhabitants of the land.

Those quick to condemn the Hamas attacks sadly are either ignorant of, or oblivious to, this appalling history. In fact such is horror and the terror of this history, whatever moral capital the Jews have ever laid claim to in the aftermath of the “Holocaust”, has long since been forfeited.

Few if any in the West in particular stand up to be counted when Israel is the flagrant aggressor and perpetrator of unspeakable acts of violence and when the Palestinians are their innocent victims, which is so frequently the case. The hypocrisy, double standards, and hand-wringing sanctimony of our political leaders and other prominent folks (to say little of their obsequious, unquestioning fealty to the Jewish State), is nothing short of asthma inducing. Even folks like Dr Jordan Peterson and Robert F Kennedy Jr. are tripping over themselves to do so.

And countless questions remain unanswered about this attack whilst Palestinians are being slaughtered and maimed in their thousands, with children and babies amongst the most affected. Three will suffice here:

a) why did Israel ignore repeated warnings of an impending attack?;

b) how was Hamas able to breach the “impregnable” border security with such ease?; and then,

c) why did the world’s most sophisticated, paranoid, and ruthlessly efficient “defence” and “security” forces drag their feet for so long in responding?

As someone who’s been a passionate supporter of the Palestinian cause, and at the same time an unapologetic critic of Israel, the Zionist regime, and the pernicious ideology which is its life-blood, I wanted to re-share some of my work for those who might have missed it the first time. Even if you have seen it, I ask one and all to revisit this work, and/or at least share it widely with your networks.

I hope these articles will help provide more critical context and perspective on the main issues at this point in time; put simply, they’re not being presented by the establishment media in anything remotely resembling an honest, objective manner. And they never will be!

It will I trust go some way toward dispelling the wrong-think, the delusions and the fantasies which so many in the west have imbibed about Israel in general and the so-called Israeli-Palestinian conflict in particular. Indeed, this was the primary objective of the exercise. Each article moreover contains several links and additional sources for further exploration.

Below I’ve included some commentary on the recent events. This commentary is interspersed with links to the three articles from the series mentioned above*, and some feedback from readers who have responded to these efforts. Additionally, there are some links to further analysis and commentary. I include as well, a few selected images to accompany this report. They tell their own story.

From a reader:

🗣️ 👉 ‘Greg, your work over the years dealing with the scourge of Zionism falls in a class of its own. Yours is a principled stand against an evil that is not shrinking as some wished but has spread far and wide. Thank you for telling the truth, which many of your friends deeply appreciate. No matter what imperialist backers of Israel do, we’ll stand firmly on the side of truth and justice, which in this case, are to be in the struggle of the Palestinians for liberation from the vicious monster of colonial setter entity in Palestine.’

— Tales of the Bleeding Obvious

Much is made of Israel’s “right to defend itself”, not least by the Jewish State’s caretakers and its ardent supporters. It’s a non-negotiable mantra, an article of faith that’s the very bedrock of its security and defence policy, such as it is.

But does Israel have the right to attack itself? That is one of the big questions here. Another might be: Cui prodest? Who will profit from this war?

Now whilst my personal jury is still deliberating on this possibility, there are some who believe Israel’s Mossad and its PM Benjamin Netanyahu set this Hamas attack up. By any definition, this being the case, it means that Israel effectively attacked itself.

This would of course qualify as the quintessential ’false-flag’ operation, the numerous, well documented occurrences of which have ultimately left our historical record littered with the bodies of hundreds of millions of human beings. (That might even be a conservative estimate.)


In this first of series of stand-alone articles, I draw upon the work of both Jewish and non-Jewish writers, analysis, researchers, activists, journalists, and historians to present a critical, wide-ranging analysis of various facets of the mythos and the reality of Israel, its history, and its origins, and the ideology that birthed it.

*ARTICLE: From the Yeast of the Pharisees (Come the Lies and Crimes of Zionism):
Part One: The Aristocrats of the World

From Readers:

🗣️‘Thank you for your work to enlighten us about the incurable virus (Zionism) that has infected—one way or another—vast regions of the world and their populations.’

🗣️ ‘The Talmudist ideology and its incarnation as Zionism truly does go to the core of the…threat of world domination we face. Thx for sharing your knowledge with others.’

— More Wars to End all Wars

The Hamas attack of the 7th October would certainly wouldn’t be the first such attack whose legitimacy was questioned by “outrageous conspiracy” theorists at the outset, “theories” which later turned out to contain more than a grain of truth.

Regardless of whether Israel itself did set the events of the past two weeks in train, that figure is almost certain to become much larger in the foreseeable, unless common sense—all of which went MIA and AWOL in the lead up to the previous Wars to End all Wars—puts in an unexpected cameo.

Again, the question begs: Does Israel have the right to attack itself? If in doing so, it triggers World War Three, then for my part I’m decidedly on the “No” side.

Be that as it may, anyone who thinks Israel (or indeed any nation) would not contemplate something like this frankly needs to ‘get out more’. Or perhaps at least acquaint themselves a little more intimately with that aforesaid “historical record”. Herein, one should recall the words of the Israeli PM here: In one of his earliest responses to the attacks of September 11, 2001, he opined (in a Freudian slip kinda way) that they were “very good for Israel”.

In this, one of the perennial questions regarding 9/11 was: “who benefitted?”

That question has long been answered. Few would argue that it was Israel who benefitted the most (in much the same way few would argue its chief patron the US and its long suffering citizens (and the West in general) benefited the least. A reality that so many still don’t classify as the “bleeding obvious”.

Why then should we expect the Hamas’ attacks to be viewed by the PM and his #Zionist Zealots as any less “good” for Israel? Unless of course he places greater value on the lives of his fellow citizens who were killed two weeks ago—or those injured and/or taken hostage—than those who perished on 9/11 (very few of whom were Israelis by the way).


*ARTICLE: From the Yeast of the Pharisees (Come the Lies & Crimes of Zionism):
Part Two — The Unholy Grail of Israel

From Readers:

— ‘Thank you Greg Maybury for this profound and comprehensive narrative on the colonial-settler state of Zionist terrorists in #Palestine.’

— ‘As a knowledgeable, anti-Zionist activist for the past 50 years, who once lived in Occupied Palestine for about 5 years, I salute you!’

In the latter, I’m not entirely convinced that “Bibi” does indeed hold a higher premium on the lives of his fellow Israelis, an observation I feel sure many of his fellow Chosen Ones would’ve had few quibbles with even prior to the Hamas’ attacks. His handling of the pandemic and his aggressive pursuit of a “total vaccination” policy on behalf of, and in collusion with, his criminal mate Albert Bourla at Pfizer—with many Israelis themselves reportedly now waking up to this monstrous scam cum medical experiment—is testament to this reality.

(And when I use the word “testament” folks, if and when the reality hits home critical mass-like with Israelis whose PM sold them out, I’m talking here Old Testament responses mind you, not the New Testament “peace, love and understanding” variety. If you gets me drift.)

Either way, in the interim, from both events the PM gets a blank cheque to promote and advance the Zionistas well documented hegemonic—and now, self-evidently genocidal, globally destabilising—agenda. And it appears he gets to do so largely with once again, the full imprimatur and material support of the ever pliant US and the West in general, including my own country Australia.

Let’s then unpack this particular ‘picnic basket’ a little further shall we? Since the events of 9/11, the question of what governments would and would not be prepared to do to achieve certain goals that they know their citizens will not accept is a whole new ball game. To be sure, the events of the past four years especially has brought this cogent reality into even sharper focus, at least for those attuned to seeing these kinds of things.

If they think they can get away with it, our governments (or their numerous proxies), will try anything at all, such is the treacherous, mercenary, psychopathic mindset of those who seek, then obtain, political power. Which thus far they’ve done with remarkable success, impressive chutzpah, and even more admirable impunity. (None perhaps more so than Bibi.)

For some this last observation might at first strike them as again, that I’m stating the bleeding obvious. But as I’ve noted elsewhere, given the sheer number of otherwise intelligent, perceptive, informed individuals who did not see the “bleeding obvious” at the outset of the “pandemic”, our whole notion of what might be defined as “obvious” needs another serious ‘bo-peep’, with a view to a wholesale redefinition.

Indeed, our individual and collective future well being and welfare—by any metric we might use to measure such: financial, social, economic, psychological, physical etc.—may now actually depend on such a ‘recalibration’. And when I say “our” here, I’m talking humanity holus bolus!

*ARTICLE: From the Yeast of the Pharisees (Come the Lies and Crimes of Zionism)
Part Three: The Terrible Power of the Purse

From Readers:

— ‘This is a jaw dropping—& accurate—indictment of the rancid ideology of Zionism, all that it stands for, & all who stand for it!’

— ‘…this penetrating essay offers a highly informative, eye-opening account of the myths woven around Israel and shows the reality of this entity.’

#IsraeliOccupation #IsraeliCrimes #IsraeliApartheid #ZionistLies #Zionism #Palestine #OccupiedTerritories #ApartheidState #BanTheADL #GoldaMeir #YomKippurWar #RFKJr #AlanHart #EthnicCleansing #NewWorldOrder #ADL #AIPAC #JewishState #JonathanGreenblatt #ElonMusk #PhilipGiraldi

Because whilst a vast swathe of our fellow citizens were simply unable or unwilling to see (smell?) the BO attending everything from the declaration of the pandemic itself, the origins of the virus, the fake testing regimes, to the mantra du jour “safe and effective” and all points in between, (with so many of them even turning against those of us who tried valiantly to point any of it out), the rest of us found little consolation in being able or willing to do so.

That is, being able to spot the “bleeding obvious” from the off, and then alert others whose ‘situational awareness competencies’ in such matters might’ve been a tad rusty. Perhaps herein the great pioneering mind explorer Gustave le Bon was onto something when he opined:

'The masses have never thirsted for the truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error...Whoever can supply them with illusions is…their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.'

Of course the particular psychopathology of the power political classes being what it is—a basic understanding of which hardly requiring much more than a nuanced appreciation of human nature and bringing to bear one’s own personal ‘once bitten, twice shy’ life’s experiences of same—they’ll push the envelope until the mailbox is, as we like to say here Down Under, ‘chockas’.

In short, they already have imbibed the essence of le Bon’s “bleeding obvious” summation of the foibles and follies of our normally well meaning, yet naive, compliant fellows.

— Bibi the Bombastic Abominable

Back to our original premise and what might have motivated such a attack by the Israeli Deep State. To begin, “Bibi” (aka the Bombastic Abominable) was about as popular as a bacon ‘n egg bagel at a bar mitzvah breakfast, so he needed to boost his stocks.

As history has demonstrated time and again—and that one of the Jews most hated and vilified enemies the Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering himself reportedly attested to in the Nuremberg trials—an attack (fake or not so) on the country is one sure fire way to rally the restless natives around the totem pole.

Meaning: Israel was said by some to be on the verge of a civil war over the Covid thing and the vaccine catastrophe, to say little of Bibi’s Biden-esque corruption, political sleaze, and banana republic level despotism. So the estimable Israeli PM was on the ropes heading for the mat and the inevitable countdown with a bullet.

For my part, whilst it’s unclear if the Israeli Deep State did perpetrate a ‘false flagger’ as some have posited, I’m reasonably certain this attack was at the very least of the “LIHOP” variety, i.e. “let it happen on purpose”.

Or, irrespective of whether they knew it was coming or not, they let the attack unfold of its own accord for maximum impact for as long as it’s plausibly deniable to do so, “plausible deniability” still being as precious a commodity as gold in the realm of everything from international diplomacy, intelligence, security, and especially black ops of the “false flag” kind!

We’re talking I suppose “Wag the Dog”-type politics then! If this all sounds familiar, then it should: the aforesaid 9/11 anyone?

Israel needed a ‘catalytic event’ to further its aims and goals within and across the Greater Middle East, and do so with a maximum amount of support and with minimal opposition. These aims have themselves been well documented.

The parallels to 9/11 here are as numerous as they are suspicious as they are as obvious. This, without even factoring in Israel/Mossad’s role in that event, a big ‘discount’ to be sure, with the evidence irrefutable for many, and quite compelling for countless others.

All in all, an existentially frightening turn of events my friends to be sure. As noted, please share. Me, I’m thinking that maybe our man Mel might’ve been onto something in that infamously tired and emotional roadside exchange The Road Warrior shared with one of California’s finest back in the day. This being the case, perhaps we should’ve all taken a bit more notice.

Now, yo’ all know what I’m talkin’ about here I’m sure?! Mel, come back old chap. All is forgiven. 😉😗🤔😱😡👍🤬 Backatcha with Part Four soon. 👍🙏😎

Greg Maybury


The No Fly Zone


The No Fly Zone with Greg Maybury on TNT Radio (LIVE)

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Beverly White Spicer
To err is human. Autocorrect is not divine. 

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